Throughout my time spent at High Point University, I have learned the importance of integrating technology in the classroom. I have had the opportunity to learn, discover, and create projects that demonstrate creative thinking. I have learned that technology is an excellent way to engaged my students and involve them in the lesson taught. Throughout my unit, I created several projects that supported my lessons on the different forms of transportation. In one of my lessons, I developed a flip chart using ActivInspire to allow my students to practice the meanings of the colors in a stoplight. It was important for me to make sure the lessons were centered around integrating 21st century skills. I noticed while developing my unit that I would save the technology portion for last. I had difficulty at first developing appropriate activities that integrated technology due to the lack of technology in schools. Constructing this unit has allowed me to prepare for my future as a teacher and better understand the process of developing complete integration lessons. I look forward to my future as a teacher and the development of technology that will continue to progress over the years. The future of classroom education is focuses on the importance of integration.
Before integrating technology into each lesson, I focused on developing a strong activity to connect with the social studies and language arts objectives. Once I was able to develop an overall outline for the lesson, I wanted the students to interact and create examples that support the lesson using technology. My students are very fascinated by the different types of technology that can be involved in a lesson. Technology plays a tremendous role on engagement in the classroom. Technology gives students the opportunity to be in charge and be the creator.The advancement of technology is growing by the day. It is important for teachers to continue to be knowledgeable of the latest technology and understand how to apply it in the classroom. Students are becoming more experienced with technology outside of the classroom, therefore why not teach students the importance of technology in the classroom and how it can boost students learning.
The technology I incorporated into my unit was a virtual field, pixton, a recording station, online puzzle and many others. After three technology courses, I have not only learned the different ways to incorporate technology into the lives of my students but have also become confident using it in my classroom and encouraging my students to create and develop ideas using technology. Throughout this process, i have learned how integrating technology into lessons effects the overall learning of the students but also demonstrates the creativity and capability of the teacher. I look forward to using the technology i have learned and demonstrated at my time spent at High Point University. Technology is continuing to develop more and more each day, therefore shouldn't we give that same opportunity to out students. The opportunity to inspire, believe and achieve.